On this page you will find practical information about services, solutions and policies for Tomorrowland Brasil and DreamVille.
Access to the Festival
Minimum age
To attend the festival, the minimum age is 18. This is a strict policy. Any person born in 2007 or later, even if accompanied by a guardian or carrying a legal permit, will not be able to enter the festival.
Prohibited entry
Your entry may be denied by the Organization. Clothes and/or other (visible) physical appearances containing discriminatory messages or encouraging any form of violence will not be tolerated.
Maximum capacity
Each Festival area may reach their maximum capacity.
Please avoid putting yourself in risky situations and follow the guidelines provided by the staff. Evacuation routes and emergency exits will be clearly signalized.
First aid
From the opening of the gates until the end of the festival, first aid teams and medical professionals will be available continuously at Tomorrowland Brasil and DreamVille.
Don't hesitate to ask for help. The festival will have qualified teams ready to provide the best possible service. Take care of yourself and your friends.
If you need to bring medication to the event, make sure you have a doctor's note or prescription. If you have any questions or specific requests, please send your message to info@tomorrowlandbrasil.com
Content production - Photos and videos
During the festival, photos and videos will be produced at all times. By entering the festival, all visitors are aware of this and give their consent to the organization for the use and wide dissemination of these images
Festival decoration
A great deal of effort goes into transforming Tomorrowland Brasil and DreamVille into magical worlds. Tearing, breaking or damaging decorative elements will result in exclusion from the festival and access will be denied.
The organization reserves the right to file a criminal complaint in such cases.
Zero Tolerance Drug Policy
Tomorrowland Brasil and DreamVille have an absolute zero tolerance policy towards drug use.
It is strictly forbidden to use, sell and/or carry drugs both on the festival premises and on the campsite. If caught in possession of illegal substances, the visitor will be removed from the site.
The organization will ensure strict compliance with this rule, and relevant incidents will be referred to the police authorities.