Privacy Policy



We consider the protection of your privacy to be extremely important. We want to inform you as much as possible, respect you and give you control over what happens to your personal data. In this Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”), you will find information about what data we collect and process, why we do this, how long we keep such data, what are your rights as a data subject, and how You can exercise them. To better understand our products and services, the protection of your personal data, and how we protect your privacy, we recommend that You read this Privacy Policy along with the Tomorrowland Brasil 2024 General Terms and Conditions, available here (“General Terms and Conditions”). All words beginning in capital letters that do not have their meanings indicated in this Privacy Policy will have the meanings established in the General Terms and Conditions.

We process your personal data in accordance with the Brazilian General Personal Data Protection Law (“LGPD” — Law No. 13.709/2018).


This Privacy Policy applies only to personal data that we collect and process in our capacity as Data Controller (as defined in Article 2 below).

It applies to the processing of personal data of our customers (individuals and legal entities) in relation to our products and services (for example, when making a purchase with us or when creating a Tomorrowland Account), as well as to the personal data of those who, by their relationship with our customers (for example: another person for whom our customer buys tickets), use our products and services (“You”).

This Privacy Policy also applies to those who visit our websites, use our apps and our online media channels, participate in market research, survey or contest, action, join any of our events, or otherwise use our products and services.

For the sake of clarity, under the LGPD, personal data is considered information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. Thus, in relation to our legal entity customers, we only process personal data if the business represents an individual, or, if the business represents a legal entity, we only process the personal data of individuals in the context of their relationship with that business (such as mandates and/or contact persons).


MAGNASHOW EVENTOS LTDA., located at Rua Madre Maria Basilia, Centro, Itu/SP, CEP (ZIP Code) 13300-003, Brazil, enrolled with the CNPJ/MF (National Corporate Taxpayers Register of the Ministry of Finance) No. 71.736.037/0001-20, (“Tomorrowland Brasil” or “We”), is responsible for collecting and processing your personal data. This means that Tomorrowland Brasil determines the purpose and means of processing your personal data. It does not change the fact that our customers have certain obligations regarding the processing of personal data of those that they allow to use our products and services (for example, another person for whom our customer buys tickets).

Tomorrowland Brasil may be understood as the organizer of the Brazilian edition of Tomorrowland, the “Tomorrowland Brasil”.

Attention: upon creating a Tomorrowland Account, You agree to the General Terms and Conditions, as well as to the Terms of Use of the Website, available here.


Processing activities

When we use the terms “processing” or “personal data processing” in this Privacy Policy, we are talking about our use of personal information that identifies you or is able to identify you, directly or in combination with other information that may be held or obtained externally. Your personal data may include, for example, your name, your contact information, information on how You use our websites and apps and those of our business partners, and, in general, how You interact with Tomorrowland Brasil. The processing of personal data received from third parties is further explained in this Privacy Policy.

Personal data is collected:

When You use our products and services and interact with us through different channels. This includes:

  • · When You sign up for a Tomorrowland Account via your first name, last name, postal and email address, date of birth, phone number, preferences relating to which type of communication You wish to receive from Us, your gender and nationality, as well as information on the products and services of Tomorrowland Brasil. When You use your Tomorrowland Account when making a purchase with us, You can access your order history in your Tomorrowland Account;

  • · When You make a purchase with us or one of our official partners: first name, last name, postal and email address, date of birth, phone number, details of the order You placed with us, as well as your gender and nationality.

  • · Any personal information or images that You share on People of Tomorrow social networks (@tomorrowlandbrasil, for example);

  • · Ticket information that we assign to You, related to the ticket(s) you purchased;

  • · Transaction information about your purchase, as well as spending, consumption, and implied location data when You do transactions at the venue of the Tomorrowland Brasil event. Payment transactions will be carried out via [INTI] and Tomorrowland Brasil has no liability for the financial transaction itself;

  • · Bank information provided to Tomorrowland Brasil for reimbursement purposes;

  • · Interest in specific products and services on our website, for example, when using the price simulator;

  • · When You participate in a competition; depending on the competition, we will ask You for additional personal data, such as a video of yourself;

  • · Video, images, and other media that can identify you at the venue of the Tomorrowland Brasil event, for security, and in promotional media at our events;

  • · Your media consumption and your artist preferences, when using our apps and websites;

  • · If optionally enabled by you in the Tomorrowland App, we can track your location and share this info with friends you have opted to share this with;

  • · If optionally enabled by you in the Tomorrowland App, we can connect you to your Facebook contacts who also use our App and have consented to do so


Personal data tags

Based on your previous purchases, visits to Tomorrowland or to the Tomorrowland Brasil event, and your activity on our platforms, we will create tags to classify you as our client. This will help us map your needs and preferences in the future. With these tags, we will be able to provide you with personalized content on our website, on our mailing, and on any other communications. Tags will be added to the personal data that You have already provided to us. We will never harvest any external personal data to create these tags.

Sensitive “special category” personal data

Personal data that may be considered sensitive is not actively processed actively. However, your nationality, meal preferences, and special requests regarding injuries or disabilities might reveal sensitive data. This data is processed by our customer service team, which is trained to respect and handle this data carefully. Tickets containing sensitive data of this type will be flagged and deleted after one (1) year after the respective event.

Minors' personal data

Our products and services are not intended for people under eighteen (18) years old. You must be at least eighteen (18) years old to access the Tomorrowland Brasil event. Minors' personal data will never knowingly or intentionally be collected.

In any case where minors wish to use our products and services, such minors must be supervised by their legal guardians. The privacy of people under eighteen (18) years old will be protected in accordance with the LGPD and legal guardians will be encouraged to participate in their children's (online) activities actively. In accordance with the guidelines of the ANPD (Brazilian National Data Protection Authority), we will process the personal data of any minors always looking out for their best interest. Depending on the purpose of the activity carried out, if it is necessary to collect consent, we will process personal data after this consent is provided by a legal guardian in a free, unambiguous, and informed manner.


Personal data of non-customers

You are considered our customer when you make a purchase with us or when you create a Tomorrowland Account. Through various channels, such as competitions, promotions/actions, and our websites/apps, we may collect personal data about persons who are not (yet) our customers, aiming at offering these persons the most relevant range of our products and services. In doing so, we guarantee your right to information and enforce it contractually (as applicable, together with your possible legally required consent) from third parties who would collect your data in this context.



We collect and process personal data for several purposes, and we only process the data that is necessary to achieve the intended purposes and always based on the legal grounds provided by the LGPD.

Without the need for your consent, we process your personal data when necessary:

  • · To draft, execute, or terminate our agreement with You;

  • · To comply with legal or regulatory requirements to which we are subject;

  • · To exercise and defend rights in judicial, administrative, or arbitral proceedings;

  • · To protect our legitimate interests (for example, to promote our products and to inform about new features, services, products, and promotions; to provide You with personalized content on our communication channels and assess the effectiveness of the advertising we send; to monitor our performance via anonymous reports and statistics; to manage risks and detect, prevent and/or remedy fraud or other potentially illegal or prohibited activities, in which case we always seek a balance between our interest and respect for your privacy, especially when You are a minor).

If the processing of your personal data is not necessary for any of these reasons, we will always ask for your consent to process your personal data. If You choose not to provide your consent, or if You withdraw your consent, You will not be able to take (full) advantage of the services offered.

Processing activities

Your personal data may be processed for the following purposes:

A. When You create a Tomorrowland Account via

Information purposes related to the use of the platform. These purposes are part of the platform's terms of use, available here. The purpose of the platform is to inform about products, services, including tickets:

  • · Pre-registration for the purchase of the Tomorrowland Brasil event tickets;

  • · Information on products, services, including tickets, as well as other Tomorrowland Brasil initiatives and/or related to the Tomorrowland brand;

  • · Information on the Tomorrowland Brasil event (practical information, line-up, etc.);

  • · Tickets Waiting List;

  • · Related business purposes;

  • · Participate in our competitions (if applicable).


B. When making a purchase through the use of your Tomorrowland Account, which may include several of our and our partners' operating processes:

  • · Order and payment processing;

  • · Booking and processing of your accommodation and/or transportation, as the case may be (for example, Global Journey);

  • · Booking and processing of other products or services purchased by You;

  • · Operational emails (such as emails to remind you to customize your tickets, your electronic ticket, or your payment confirmation);

  • · Printing of, among others, hard tickets (only if You receive hard tickets);

  • · Fulfillment and shipment of your order/ticket/Tomorrowland Bracelet;

  • · Customer service and dispute resolution;

  • · Reimbursement;

  • · Fraud prevention.


C. When using our websites and apps

  • · To guarantee the functioning of our websites and apps;

  • · To enable the functionalities inherent to our websites/apps (for example, artist preferences);

  • · To enable (with your consent) location sharing with selected Facebook friends and connect with Facebook friends through the Tomorrowland Brasil app;

  • · To provide You with personalized content on our communication channels.


D. When visiting our event(s)

  • · When permitted by law - to prevent crimes, for example - criminal records of ticket holders can be checked by government bodies and police forces. These parties may give us negative advice regarding the admission of a ticket holder to the Tomorrowland Brasil event. In the case of negative advice, we are obliged to block ticket holders from the Tomorrowland Brasil event. Such circumstances do not give rise to a refund of your purchase price. We will only provide the first name, last name, CPF enrollment number, identification document number, date of birth, and country of residence and will not do any profiling in this matter or look into any criminal records themselves;

  • · Safety and health procedures (including camera surveillance);

  • · Fraud prevention;

  • · Anonymized reporting and statistics about visitors (e.g., variety of nationalities)

  • · “Cashless” transactions and aggregated analysis of such data;

  • · Cashless top-ups, cashless payments at Tomorrowland and cashless refunds;

  • · Your location data (captured through your Tomorrowland Bracelet) within the venue of Tomorrowland Brasil can be used anonymously to leverage crowd density monitoring systems;

  • · Check-in procedures and hospitality facilities (to make sure that You find your transportation and make your experience at the Tomorrowland Brasil event easier and more enjoyable, to help you check in to your accommodation, the Tomorrowland Brasil event, or a restaurant).


Personal data shared with third parties

We do not provide your personal data to third parties, except in the following cases:

  • · To our legal successors and other companies in the Tomorrowland Group;

  • · To our service providers and business and media partners;

  • · Consultants;

  • · If necessary for the supply and provision of our products and services.

  • · If there is a legal obligation.

  • · If there is a legitimate interest for Us or for the third party involved.

  • · If You give us permission to share your data.


Your responsibilities regarding third parties

If You allow Tomorrowland Brasil to process personal data of third parties covered by this Privacy Policy, You have the following responsibilities:

  • · You must adequately inform holders that We, by their use of our products and services, will process their personal data;

  • · You must obtain all legally required consents from third parties before their personal data is communicated to Us for processing within the scope of our products and services that You have allowed them to use;

  • · You must adequately inform third parties about the application of this Privacy Policy, in particular regarding the rights as personal data subjects and how they can be exercised, ensuring that they have read, understood, and accepted the terms provided for herein;

  • · You may not use our products and services to collect personal data in violation of applicable privacy laws or to obtain unlawful access to third-party personal data;

  • · You must obtain information from us about the level of security of our products and services and take appropriate technical and organizational measures at your sole discretion and ability to adequately protect personal data of third parties linked to you against unauthorized or illegal processing and against illegal or unintentional destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, damage, or unauthorized access;

  • · You must take all appropriate measures to ensure the reliability of third parties who have access to personal data. You must not do anything, cause anything, or allow anything to be done that could in any way result in a violation of these privacy laws.


Your responsibilities with regards to third-party services

Through our products and services, You can also use the services of other parties, such as activities outsourced through the sale of vouchers, third-party websites, travel agencies, forums, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, newsgroups, and/or apps. We have no control over the personal data You place there and how it is processed, nor are we responsible for it. It is up to You to deal with it and carefully read the privacy policy of those third parties.


Your privacy rights

As the subject of your personal data, You have several rights that can be exercised at any time and upon direct request sent to Tomorrowland Brasil, as follows:

  • · Confirmation of the processing;

  • · Access to personal data;

  • · Correction of incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data;

  • · Anonymization, blocking, or elimination of unnecessary, excessive, or processed data not in compliance with the law;

  • · Data portability to another service or product provider;

  • · Elimination of personal data processed with the consent of the subject;

  • · Information about the public and private entities with which we share your data;

  • · Information about the possibility of not providing consent and about the consequences of the refusal;

  • · Revocation of consent.

If You wish to exercise the right to delete your personal data and have purchased tickets for a future event, those tickets will be cancelled without a refund. Your data is necessary to fulfill all of these services.

Your personal data will be removed as soon as possible, unless it concerns information that needs to be kept in compliance with the law or an agreement. In addition, we may keep your data with us in an anonymized manner and for the exclusive use of Tomorrowland Brasil.

We will respond to your request within the legal deadline determined by the LGPD in its article 19.

You can exercise your rights through your Tomorrowland Account on our website by sending an email to

Tomorrowland Account

You must create an online account to pre-register, have access to the purchase of our products and services, and perform other types of interaction with Tomorrowland Brasil (“Tomorrowland Account”). To the extent You have a Tomorrowland Account, You can remove your account on the Tomorrowland platform to perform the final removal of your personal data. Please note that your personal data is necessary for us to provide our products and services and will only allow total deletion after the completion of your purchase and (in case you have purchased a Tomorrowland Brasil event ticket) the end of the event. On the platform, You may specifically remove the parts of your account that you want to: You can unsubscribe from specific optional mailing lists and app, such as the Tomorrowland Brasil platform, emails lists for non-transactional messages, or perform the complete removal of your account.

All your personal data can be changed on the Tomorrowland Account - except your name and email. To change them, contact technical support at by clicking the support button. Please note that changing the delivery details of your tickets or changing the type of tickets may incur additional fees, always provided for in the applicable terms and conditions.

The Tomorrowland Account is held by bvba, Belgium, Crossroads Bank for Enterprises n. 0867.239.782, RLP Antwerp, Antwerp Division (“WAOW”), creator and organizer of Tomorrowland, licensor of Unite with Tomorrowland, the creator of Tastes of the World and TML by Tomorrowland, and any future products or events related to Tomorrowland, artists related to Tomorrowland, and all affiliated entities and companies.



When using our website and apps, we may place cookies that originate from the domain or any subdomain.

Cookies are information stored directly on the computer and/or device You are using, allowing the collection of information such as the type of browser, the time spent on our website, the pages visited, language preferences, and other anonymous traffic data.

We do not store any personal data in a cookie that can be used to identify individuals. We may, however, track your activity on online assets for statistical analysis and to enhance your experience.

Although cookies are necessary to be able to fully use the services and all features of the website and apps, You can always refuse to accept cookies by changing the settings of your browser.

Certain cookies, such as functional cookies, first-party cookies, and performance cookies, are mandatory; other cookies can be disabled in your browser.

To disable cookies directly in your browser, simply click on the corresponding link and follow the step by step:

●      INTERNET EXPLORER:,cookies%20e%20clique%20em%20OK.

●      FIREFOX:

●      CHROME:

●      SAFARI and IOS:,para%20saber%20como%20bloque%C3%A1%2Dlos.


Technical and organizational measures

Appropriate technical and organizational measures are taken to protect your personal data against unauthorized or illegal access or processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage. When You provide your personal data through our website or mobile apps, that information is transmitted securely over the Internet using high-level encryption.

As described in this Privacy Policy, your personal data may be shared with third parties, in which case that third party is required to have appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect such data.

However, in some cases, we may be required by law to disclose your personal data to a third party, such as a government body, and we have limited control over how that data is protected by that party.

International data transfer

The information You provide us with will be shared with companies in the same economic group located in Belgium, Brazil, and possibly in other countries. Thus, the information will be shared on systems located at the headquarters of the Controller in Antwerp, Belgium, or on our cloud service provider Zendesk.

We may also allow access to your information by third parties who act on our behalf for some of the purposes described in this Privacy Policy or for other purposes explicitly approved by You.

To the extent personal data is processed outside Brazil, we will take steps to ensure that your information is protected and safeguarded as soon as it leaves Brazil. In particular, when available, we will use the standard contractual clauses approved by the National Data Protection Authority and permitted in accordance with articles 33, item II, letter “b”, and 35 of the LGPD.

Privacy incidents

Data breaches can be reported by email to: We have an internal policy and regularly educate our team and employees on how to prevent and report potential data breaches. Based on the result of an impact assessment, we can notify affected data subjects and Brazilian authorities about the breach.

Thus, if any of your personal data is exposed in any way, we will send you a communication within a reasonable time with the following information: (i) description of the nature of the personal data affected; (ii) indication of the technical and security measures taken for data protection; (iii) risks related to the incident; (iv) reasons for the delay, if the communication was not immediate; and (v) the measures that were or will be taken to reverse or mitigate the effects of the damage.


We will not hold your data longer than necessary: your personal data is retained in your account and will be automatically removed as soon as You decide to delete your account. The data stored and processed out of the account will be removed as soon as the processing activity is completed and the data is no longer needed in case we are legally required to keep the records for a specified retention period.


This Privacy Policy is without prejudice to our right to take other measures in relation to certain users of our products and services, based on an agreement, law, regulations, etc., and we implement Data Privacy, Data Protection, and Data Security by design and by default when and whenever possible.


If we are unable to handle your request as a data subject optimally, You always have the right to file a complaint with our Data Protection Authority.


We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time, including as part of the LGPD. The most recent version of our Privacy Policy is always available at


Questions, comments, and requests regarding this Policy should be sent to Tomorrowland Brasil via


Latest version: [16/04/2024]